May 8, 2017

National on-site trainings

After 2.5 years of active work on modular retrofitting process development MORE-CONNECT partners have prepared learning modules for engineers, craftsmen, architects etc. Learning modules of each specific country take into account local market needs and specifics. Precise schedule will be announced in early September 2017. For more detailed information please contact local research partner.

Portuguese training materials: 

Training modules are mainly are focused on modular retrofiting process design specifics (including fire safety, air – tightness and thermal bridges), 3D printing, selection of renewables, thermal comfort and energy audit.

Link to the Portuguese training repository:

Netherlands  training materials:


Latvian training materials 

Link to the Latvian training repository:

LV_1st training module_Dynamic Energy Simulation

2nd training module

3rd_training module_FULL

3rd_training module_short

4th training module

Danish training materials are ready

Life cycle environment assessments (LCA) of enegy saving technologies

2ND Danish training module. The concept of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a building energy renovation will be presented. Primary focus is on the Global Warming Potential (WP) – CO2-emissions and the non-renewable primary energy (NRPE) consumption, but also the other LCA parameters, such as ODP, Ozone Depletion Potential [kg R11-Equiv.], POCP, Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential [kg Ethene-Equiv.], AP, Acidification Potential [kg SO2-Equiv.], EP, Eutrification Potential [kg Phosphate-Equiv.] and ADP, Abiotic Depletion Potential [kg Sb-Equiv.] will be mentioned. Further LCA calculations using the tool ASCOT will be presented

LCC calculations in the NZEB-renovation of apartment blocks

This webinar was organized by CENERGIA part of KUBEN MANAGEMENT as a part of MORE-CONNECT training course. The presented concept of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) calculations covers such issues as how Net Present Value (NPV) and IR is calculated. Further the webinar shows the use of the tool ASCOT, which has been developed by the Danish MORE-CONNECT participant – CENERGIA for simultaneous saved energy & LCC calculations. The impact of cost reduction implementing some of the MORE-CONNECT prefab technologies presented as well and the results compared to the simple payback method. The ASCOT tool were also used for the concept development calculations in WP6 of MORE-CONNECT and the results of these actual calculations for a Danish reference building are presented.

Circular economy and sustainability


The webinar is an introduction to sustainable construction, how it is certified and what significance circular economics can have in the certification. The webinar starts with a presentation on sustainable construction with a review of the three sustainability aspects – environment, economy and social quality. Thereafter, some of the existing evaluation systems are being evaluated to assess the sustainability of a construction project and the pros and cons of these systems. In Denmark, the DGNB system has been chosen and adapted as a common platform of the total Danish construction sector, and the principles in the system are discussed. The importance of materials properties for sustainability certification is reviewed and illustrated by a concrete calculation of a material’s total life cycle. The potential for recycling / circular economy in the construction sector is illustrated by presenting a concrete survey conducted for the Danish island Lolland.


Estonian training materials 

Hoonete tervikrenoveerimine puidust lisasoojustuselementidega



Lisasoojustuselementide automatiseeritud tootmine

Eesti puitmajatööstuse ülevaade ja tulevikuperspektiivid

Matek_More-Connect täiendkoolitus

Hoonete tervikrenoveerimine – pilootobjektide tutvustus


Katuseelemendi sõlmed

Puitelementidega uute hoonete ehitamise kontseptsioon ja lahendused

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Akadeemia 5a renoveerimise niiskusturvalisuse tagasilöögid

Geomeetria klapitamine


Välisseinaelemendi paigaldus, toetus, kinnitus

Välisseinaelementide liitekohtade lahendus_2


Czechia training materials 

Požarni apspekty zateplovani fasad

Komplexni pristup k energetickym rekonstrukcim budov

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