July 7, 2017

National training material is ready for 5 European countries!

After 2.5 years of active work on modular retrofitting process development MORE-CONNECT partners have prepared learning modules for engineers, craftsmen, architects etc. Learning modules of each specific country take into account local market needs and specifics.  For more detailed information please contact local research partner.

Portuguese and Latvian training materials are ready.  

Training modules are mainly are focused on modular retrofiting process design specifics (including fire safety, air – tightness and thermal bridges), 3D printing, selection of renewables, thermal comfort and energy audit.

Link to the Portuguese training repository: http://www.more-connect.eu/2017/12/connect-portuguese-national-training-material/

Link to the Latvian training repository: http://www.more-connect.eu/2017/12/connect-latvian-national-training-material/


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